Monday, August 21, 2017

Dragons, Close Air Support, and Strategic Attack

Poor intelligence on enemy threats and the enemy center of gravity proves costly for the dragon queen

Badly-integrated intelligence can get  you killed.  That's a key takeaway from last night's Game of Thrones episode, titled, "Beyond the Wall." There are many lessons in this episode for students of military theory, particularly for those interested in intelligence, targeting, and doctrine.  So, let's take a look at what was illuminated in this episode.  

Close Air Support: A necessary but insufficient activity for victory
In the interests of brevity, I'll focus on three things:  the tension between allocation of resources between close air support compared to strategic attack, intelligence on enemy centers of gravity/critical vulnerabilities, and the need for proper intel on the threat.

Let me be clear:  I'm a huge fan of the A-10, and of close air support in general.  Speaking as a US Air Force member who did a deployment embedded with a US Army unit, I am sympathetic for the need for and utility of using airpower to win tactical fights.  Airpower is frequently seen as an asymmetric force multiplier.  The common view of the Battle of Khafji in DESERT STORM is that airpower was the decisive force that defeated the Iraqi incursion into Saudi Arabia (though it's noteworthy that there is to this day significant disagreement on that point among those who dug into the data about the number of Iraqi tanks which were actually destroyed from the air). 

With enemy infantry - wights in the case of Game of Thrones - are advancing in the open with no cover, they are easy prey for airpower, whether that airpower comes in the form of an A-10's GAU-8 cannon or in the form of a trio of dragons.  There is no doubt that Dany's remarkably timely assault saved the lives of the ragged band of defenders on the frozen lake.  Likewise, she destroyed (we shall say "killed," for the sake of argument, though the undead were of course already dead even before she burned them) hundreds if not thousands of wights.  Her nephew Jon Targaryen (for we now know he is not a Snow but in fact a trueborn Targaryen) and his companions owe their lives to her close air support.

Thus, the close air support  allowed Dany to meet her tactical objectives of rescuing the ill-conceived expeditionary force.  But other than that, how useful was it?

In context of reducing the enemy ability to wage war, the loss of even a few thousand wights represents a probably insignificant reduction in overall combat capability for the Night King.  Per the old Dorito's slogan, "Crunch all you want, we'll make more."  When his forces invade south of the Wall, each human they kill will be added to the ranks of his army.  Unlike a conventional military force, the Night King does not need to take time to recruit (or draft) new soldiers, nor to train and equip them.  The number of casualties Dany inflicted with her (now-much-reduced) air force is essentially irrelevant from a strategic standpoint.

This is essentially the tension that has long existed between air component and ground component commanders.  The stereotype (which is a gross oversimplification but has some basis in reality) is that ground component commanders would prefer to have all available air assets attacking those enemies that are engaging them.  The same stereotype suggests that the Air Force would prefer to ignore doing CAS altogether and focus instead on strategic attack and interdiction.

(I'm NOT going to take a position on the long-standing and oft-resurrected controversy about whether the A-10 should be retired).

That being said, in the war between the living and the dead, how might a focus on strategic attack and interdiction play out?  In this fictional world, it would likely be the opposite of how airpower has proven useful in conflicts from Korea onwards. 

Let's consider interdiction first.  In real-world conflicts, armies require food, fuel, ammunition and various and sundry other classes of supplies.  The more drawn-out or intense the fight, the more supplies are generally consumed.  Likewise, an invading army requires significantly more supplies than a stationary army, and these extended supply lines present a significant vulnerability to an adversary who has an air force (given the mobility of aircraft/dragons and the ability to strike along any point of those supply lines).  Without going too far into historical detail, aerial interdiction appears to have been one of the key factors that kept the North Koreans from capturing the allies concentrated inside the tiny Pusan perimeter.  Their long supply lines were being mauled from the air and they could not support a continued decisive engagement even before Inchon changed the game (see

But wights don't eat.  They don't need fuel, or ammunition, or letters from home, or replacements for worn-out boots.  They are, in short, utterly immune to the sort of supply interdiction that have proven so effective against conventional armies.  Yes, Dany can attack the stream of wights en route to the warm lands (and future zombies) of the south, but if she does, she's once again simply "crunching Doritos" to little strategic end.

The allies know the Walkers can reanimate non-humans;
will they anticipate the arrival of an undead dragon?  If not, they'll
blame the intel guys

The army of the dead has a critical weakness; if the White Walkers fall, the wights they have reanimated turn to dust along with them.  Presumably, in the judgment of tactical reconnaissance asset Jon Targaryen, the destruction of the Night King would destroy the entire army.  So the intelligence analysis has been done, and the critical vulnerability of the enemy has been identified (so far as we are guessing at this point), but Dany ignores the White Walkers and spends her sorties burning insignificant wights.  Why?

The answer is simple, and it's the sort of thing that has played out time and time again.  Intelligence that hasn't been properly disseminated cannot be acted upon.  Jon knows (or at least "assesses with high confidence") that killing White Walkers will destroy the wights, but the command, control, communication, and intelligence (C3I) system was insufficient to get that information from his ground-based ISR expedition to the air component commander (Dany, of course).

Precision of orders would have helped; telling Gendry to "send a raven" doesn't imply that Gendry is going to send a detailed note about the new intelligence assessment of the enemy center of gravity. 

In theory, Dany's air attack could have been the platonic ideal of airpower theorist's strategic attack notions.  If Jon had disseminated his assessment and targeting recommendations to Dany, one pass from her dragons over the conveniently-clustered White Walkers could have ended the war in a single airstrike. 

"Surface-to-Air Javelin" just doesn't have
the same ring to it as "SAM"
Or not, given the other "intelligence failure" of the night - the unanticipatedly robust air defenses of the Night King.  This can be forgiven for a number of reasons.  First, this is a meeting engagement with a force of unknown strength and unknown capability (indeed, there mere existence of the Night King was not believed by Dany prior to an episode or two ago).  Second, all of Dany's dragons have been assigned to perform CAS; there is no dedicated (or even secondary) consideration for ISR of the Night King's army (nor is there adequate communications infrastructure to communicate the threat if it had been identified in advance).

This is not, in short, a repeat of the old Vietnam trope of American pilots flying blissfully unaware into the teeth of SA-2s (and not being told of the existence of those threats by the secretive intelligence community of that era). This is a genuinely new and unanticipated technological surprise.  Nonetheless, Westerosi blogs would probably call it an intelligence failure.

Russian doctrine assumed it would take thousands of rounds of anti-aircraft artillery to down a single American aircraft; between Bron's scorpion and the Night King's ice javelin, the air defenses of Dany's adversaries have scored two shootdowns out of four attempts.  Perhaps it's time for Dany to reevaluate the circumstances in which she is willing to expose her attrited air force to threats.

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